Main duties and responsibilities:
Prepare resources and materials for Brothers to aid in their pharmacy studies (including, but not limited to, organizing practice patient care scenarios, Kahoots for Finals, etc.
Facilitating opportunities for Brothers interact and create opportunities for engagement during study intensive periods.
Megan McGill (PY3)
I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve as scholarship co-chair! My goal this year is to help our Brothers get connected to educational resources and foster opportunities to learn together. I’m looking forward to helping our Brothers exceed in school while also finding fun ways to study together.

Dara Kodack(PY2)
I am so excited to serve as one of the scholarship co-chairs for PDC! Connecting with my PDC brothers over the last year and seeing the previous scholarship co-chair's commitment made me want to get more involved. My goals for this year are to expand the scholarly resources available to brothers including study guides and Quizlets to help our brothers succeed academically.